Wicked Wednesday

Happy & Sad

A husband and wife were sharing a bottle of wine when the husband said,
"I bet you can't tell me something which will make me happy and sad at
the Same time".

The wife thought for a few moments, then said,

"Your pecker is bigger than your brother's".

(Courtesy of AZCG)


Erin said...

LOL - I love that! I've never heard it before...

DirtyBitchSociety said...

EC, well, I'd not till this AM, myself. Now, I welcome you and hope you'll come back again. Wear safety goggles next time, for your protection, of course. Do not try this at home....lol!

raffi said...

is that fidel castro smoking a cigar?

DirtyBitchSociety said...

Raffi, I do believe you're right. Give that man a Cuban cigar, lol!

Xmichra said...

roflmao!! heheh..that one is too good!!

One Wacky Mom said...

OMG.......this is hysterical. I love not only the jokes but the visual. You are hilarious!