~D B Headquarters~ The Seedy Side of the Tracks
Happy & Sad
A husband and wife were sharing a bottle of wine when the husband said,
"I bet you can't tell me something which will make me happy and sad at
the Same time".
The wife thought for a few moments, then said,
"Your pecker is bigger than your brother's".
(Courtesy of AZCG)
Bullshit by
7/11/2007 07:48:00 AM
LOL - I love that! I've never heard it before...
EC, well, I'd not till this AM, myself. Now, I welcome you and hope you'll come back again. Wear safety goggles next time, for your protection, of course. Do not try this at home....lol!
is that fidel castro smoking a cigar?
Raffi, I do believe you're right. Give that man a Cuban cigar, lol!
roflmao!! heheh..that one is too good!!
OMG.......this is hysterical. I love not only the jokes but the visual. You are hilarious!
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