The Big Gig

I'd written a comment back to Webmiztris, on my Babs Bitchin blog, concerning a post about a lady, Violent Acres, that had bought all this Nyquil, just to see what would happen, security wise.

Anyway, it made me remember a Clinical Study, I was offered before I left Pittsburgh. There's a place there, that has different studies and they will pay you to participate. I never could because I have Hep C but not before I was offered the "Big Gig."

Here was the offer;

8 days and nights, in a Hotel. Your food and entertainment are covered and they paid you $1,500. They injected you or exposed you, to a Cold. They studied you and I think they gave you a medication to see how or if the med helped.

Would you seriously consider, doing this?


Xmichra said...

Damn skippy. I have been sick and made zero dollars and felt misrible. i think in my fucked up head i would feel like i finally stuck it to the man to get paid for being sick. and not just paid... PAID.

DirtyBitchSociety said...

Xmichra, I was sure considering it. I think if they'd allowed me to do the study, the idea of being holed up in a Hotel, eating and sick, sounded not so bad.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh - the story about the 25 bottles of Nyquil and the 25 boxes of Sudafed was funny as SHIT! Thanks for the funny ride!

And yeah, I think I'd get holed up in a hotel, too, for that amount of money to be injected with "cold" and to see if a certain medicine worked. When I think about the times I spent in hotels NOT getting paid and getting REAL sick, getting paid to be get 1/2 sick and at least get medicine for it sounds pretty damn good!

Love ya!

Ophelia Mourne said...

that sounds simple enough. unless it was some super infection that would do more damage than good. Im so anal I'd have to know exact symptoms and history and blah blah before I agreed. But damn the money and bitty vacation sounds delightful!

DirtyBitchSociety said...

Brotherray, that was funny and seems like something I need to do, just for shitz n giggles.

Yea, I'd consider 8 days in a Hotel. I love staying at Hotels, hell, I've stayed in dive Motels for nothing so I'd have done it, if I could. Glad to see, I'm not the only crazy mofo around here. ha!

DirtyBitchSociety said...

Ophelia, I think it was exposure to the common cold But yea, I'd be asking a butt load of questions and probably get on their nerves. I would look forward to staying in bed and eating, isn't that awful?

Old Knudsen said...

I don't like Hotels or colds so they can shove their money, they probably knock you out and put a control implant in yer neck and years doon the line you shoot the pope.

Well the pope part sounds ok.

Edd said...

Id be there in a flash for free cash. Its like a free holiday with a few added extras.

Anonymous said...

Old Knudsen, so that's why I have an aversion for the Pope?
I love to stay at Hotels (if I can smoke) but hate hate hate colds. They'd probably put me implant up me arse.

Anonymous said...

Edd.d, sounds good, huh? Only thing is the fargin cold but you'd be comfy and get $1,500 at the end. My luck, I'd get pneumonia from it. When I do get a cold, it always settles in my chest for a month or two, uggg!

Jonathan said...

If it was only a common cold, and what they were injecting into me wasn't anything lethal or life-altering, then sure I would.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan, c'mon, let's do it. Party's on me, haha! For real, this place offers studies all the time and I was kinda miffed because I couldn't do it. Saved by the bell, huh? How are ya Darlin'?

archer said...

That sounds like fun. What's better than a good solid rip-roaring cold? You stay in bed. You sleep. You drink lots of fluids. You take drugs.

DirtyBitchSociety said...

Archer, it does sound good the play you have played it. Conjures a cozy feeling. Eat, drink and be merry all with a cold. I think I could do this.

Webmiztris said...

that one I might do, but only if it was a common cold. if it were anything nastier, I'd still pass!!

Jonathan said...

How am I? Well, work's got me crazier than a blind lesbian at a seafood market, but it beats unemployment. No complaints.

DirtyBitchSociety said...

Webmiztris, it's really debatable but better than Fear Factor, huh? I'm not eating cow ass for any money.

DirtyBitchSociety said...

Jonathan, a stellar man. Given the op to complain and you pass, that's unusual. I love your analogy, too funny. Right now, I am only working two jobs instead of three to four. A small bit of vacation and speaking of vacation, I get to go on my first in more than 15 years. I am so psyched. Now Dear, try to have a really good day! Hugz!