Just Crazy

G4 Shows

Talk about some crazy shit, if you've not watched Ninja Warrior, Unbeatable Banzuke or Super Big Product Fun Show, I suggest you give it a whirl. Those damn Japs sure know how to act like complete imbeciles on The Super Product Show and I laughed my ass off. The Unbeatable Banzuke and Ninja Warrior are just out and out entertaining as they compete against each other in strength and agility challenges.

Normally, I'd never even think to watch any one of these shows. My son Bill turned me onto them. Up until now, I'd never even seen or noticed the channel for gamers as well, I'd never even seen anyone playing XBox but it's pretty impressive. I just can't wait to play Guitar Hero and show 'em all just how retarded I can be!


Anonymous said...

I'm not up on anything Japanese. But since you say it's kewl, I'll check it out!

Natsthename said...

I love "Attack Of The Show" and will spend hours watching those people make asses of themselves! G4 is so much fun!

sKILLz said...

I LOVE Ninja Warrior! Some of the stunts they do I think I might be able to finish. Somethings they do are just plain off the hook!

xstevex said...

yes Ive seen those haha , G4 used to show "the man show" re runs too

Woogie said...

i hear birds chirping..

nikki said...

i thought i was the only one who watched this show....its so funny!!! and seriously, who is the person in charge that knows thats what you have to do to be a ninja. Half the shit they probaly didnt even have