The Death of Aaron Hall; Commentary by Aunt Babz

I wrote a, I think, compelling commentary on my advice column, about the death of Aaron Hall. I'd like you to read it.

Ask Aunt B

Aunt Babz Free Advice
(On Wordpress)


Anonymous said...

Should I know who Aaron Hall was?

I know of Aaron Burr and Aaron's Rod, but Aaron Hall? I draw a blnk I'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I read it.
Now I know.

DirtyBitchSociety said...

VD, I feel bad for the guy, I really do. I feel even worse for the guys that did it. Karma will be calling.

Sterculian Rhetoric said...

Karma is unfortunately non-determinative and coincidential. Many go through life unpunished or unrewarded.
What goes around does not necessarily come around.
This case notwithstanding.

Anonymous said...

SR, see I believe differently. I strongly believe some of us pay now, some later. In fact, I'm banking on it!

Anonymous said...

SR, ps, I do not believe in coincidence either.

Anonymous said...

I remember that. It was awful. Very sad. This all takes me back to an email I got from my sis a few days ago. She was talking about how it seems the world has just become more cruel than kind. She said she thought she had "weltschmerz". (I had to look it up.) I read it, and I thought "yep - this is exactly what you've got, too."

Ya know... I used to blog nice things. HAHAHAHAHA

Fuckin' computer.

Sterculian Rhetoric said...

If you believe that all is pre-ordained, why bother preparing for the future? Why bother getting out of bed if all that you have been, are or ever will be is already decided for you?
I am not sure you can envision a world that has some coincidence and some predetermination. I suspect only a 'black and white' argument would stand up here.

Either everything is scripted and we are merely players or nothing is and we are all complete masters of our own destinies.

Anonymous said...

Brotherray, sad indeed and yes painful. We have to search for the joy sometimes, it hides.I fear it will never be better, only worse. Why, because people are weak, do not care, as long as they're getting theirs.

Anonymous said...

SR, I suppose it's no different than believing in coincidence. If I only believe that per chance, something may happen, what's the point? What I get up and hope there's a chance that I'll meet this person or that or this or that will happen? It is only in retrospect that we are able to see, that there is no such thing as luck, coincidence or magic. So say I.

Anonymous said...

SR,I think thing happen, epople are placed and choices are to be made. Things happen according to our choice. We have choices, our one instinctual right, from the day we are born. All along, it comes down to what we choose to do...

Sterculian Rhetoric said...

You do not "choose" to be born with a congenital defect.

We are like in kind here young lady, just different in degree.

DirtyBitchSociety said...

SR, is it the ultimate test, when you are born in such a manner? I mean a test of will and choices? Teach me, oh wise one.