Ruuuuuuuuuuubber Biscuit

Let’s see we have regular, extra safe (whatever that means,) excita ribbed, and…JEANS? WTF? Denim must chafe like a mofo.

I never used a rubber but once. We had a black one and I'd never crossed the border, so I tried it. They say, "once you go Black, you never come back, huh?" I say, "Once you go white, you ain't never right." Just a warning, I guess?


Xmichra said...

never mind that.. 12.95 for THREE condoms?? No wonder the population hasn't gone down over there.. yeish! To damn expencive to be safe!

DirtyBitchSociety said...

Xmichra, see how detail oriented you are? I never even noticed that. This explains it all, huh?

jungle jane said...

i like condoms. You can chew them like gum afterwards...