Long Island Sound Headhunters Sport Fishing

I live two miles away from Long Island Sound. This is a video, I was sent last night. It is filmed by a really cute Italian guy by the name of Tom Santo. Girls, he's to die for and if I was younger...he'd be in serious trouble.
These are the Headhunters of Ajilon. Apparently, they'd not been able to film, after they'd caught the 400+ pound White Shark, as they were too busy with the fight, grappling hooks and so on. You see the Great White, in the first part of the video.
A glimpse into the leisure time of L.I. and NYC Headhunters, this is a cool ass video. The good looking guy, you see that catches the shark, at the end, is none other than my Lil Sisters sweetheart, the guy who reeled her in, just like he did that shark. Same smile, same technique!


raffi said...

i love deep sea fishing. fish, beer, and fish and beer.

archer said...

DAMN that looks like fun.

Anonymous said...

Raffi, it's the whole sheband, I know. I've never done any fishing such as that but I've been on the Chesapeake more than once crabbing and I've caught Muske in Upstate N.Y. But I've never done that whole Great White gig and it kinda scares the piss outa me.

Anonymous said...

Archer, I know I'd be pissing myself, if they were reeling in a 400 lb. Great White and I was on the boat. Actually, I don't think I'd be in a boat where I knew there were Great Whites. Call me an asshole chicken but I'm a smart asshole chicken.
bak bak bak!

I told him, when the boat sinks, I don't wanna hear his bitchin & moanin about losing a leg to a vengeful shark. hahaha!

Anonymous said...

Digging that one dirty bitch! just got back from the Caribean, the snorkling and diving was awesome. But ain't none of those mama's down there!

How are ya girlie?

Anonymous said...

Woogie, lucky bitch, damn, no fair, no fair. Glad you're back and I hope you took some pics?

jungle jane said...

oh my lordy me! what on earth would they want to do with a shark once they landed it?

boys are weird...

Anonymous said...

JJ, I know it gives 'em a hard on, to catch something that'll rip their dick off with one bite and swallow it whole. Not me, my common sense says no. But my sis's b-friend just lights up, as you can see, when he's fishing like this, yuck, yack.

jungle jane said...

He is also extremely cute. i wonder if his dad is single??!!

Anonymous said...

JJ, are you talking about Andy, the guy catching the shark? Yes, his Dad is single, I believe. Andy's a cut throat sob in business, not sure about his Dad.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dirty Bitch...I had a great time, lots of stories to tell..What have you been doing?

Anonymous said...

Woogie, since you've been gone, I had to play with myself. It was very lonely. Glad you're back!

Xmichra said...

I love fishing... just came back from a week at the lake. But my 19 fishies look SMALL in comparisson! I would love to go deep sea fishing one day, i imagine that would be a blast.

It says that they are sport fishing... do they let the shark go back to the water?? Like catch and release?

DirtyBitchSociety said...

Xmichra, yes, in the video, you can see them cut the line. Of course, nobody's sticking their hand in there to retrieve the hook. Oh hell no!
Andy also hunts Duck, when in season and delivers them to the Chinese restaurants around here. They give him a dinner for the duck. fair trade.

DirtyBitchSociety said...

I do not believe in killing what you are not going to eat, anyway. Ya know?

Xmichra said...

Totally hear you there. I think that was imbedded into me from living in the arctic. You just don't do that.

I kept two fish from my week, and fried them up *yum*.. but the others all went back to the lake. Once i removed the hook that is... i like my tackle ;) and smaller fish will die with a hook in it's mouth.

Anonymous said...

Xmichra, the only fish I ever ate that I caught was a Muskie. They have teeth and I had to hit him with a mallet. But it was big enough to feed 13 of us, broiled in lemon and butter. Long ago. What kind of fish did you eat?

Anonymous said...

Does that mean you want to play with my nose? I'm talented you know?

DirtyBitchSociety said...

Woogie, butt of course. Now, c'mere, you've got a bat in the cave. hahaha!