Did You Know???

Did you know, that our own Dirty Bitch General was once a Calendar Girl?
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I did some snooping this morning and found this pic. Yes, this is none other than Webmiztris, the saucy minx miztress.


BEAST said...

That smile gives me the willy's..... she looks like she is going to bite !

Paula said...

That actually does sorta look like her! Um, it's not, right?

jungle jane said...

Smoking hot. Can i get an autograph do you think?

DirtyBitchSociety said...

Beast, she will and does bite but does it whilst entertaining you. She'll catch you completely off guard, next thing you know...you're bitten.

DirtyBitchSociety said...

Miz UV, oh it is for sure. Check it out;

Q94 Classic Rock

DirtyBitchSociety said...

JJ, I'll see what I can do. She's pretty busy with her band, "Pussywhipped," and all but for a good friend of mine, she may parlay her events and do some signing. hahaha!!

Webmiztris said...

lmao! busted!!! does this mean I have to give up my pageant crown now that my dirty past has been exposed? lol lol lol

Webmiztris said...

also, yes, I do bite occassionally, beast. ;)

DirtyBitchSociety said...

Webmiztris, how long ago was that, you look like you were 20? very pretty and quite impressive. I was Miss Fairfax County in Virginia but I was 11 and it was down hill every since, lol! One bumpy ass ride!

Webmiztris said...

actually that photo was taken in the summer of 2002, so I was 26.

DirtyBitchSociety said...

Webmiztris, you were and are most assuredly beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I agree I agree..talented and beautiful ARE WE SURE SHE's A DIRTY BITCH??

Anonymous said...

Woogie, absolutely positive. It's like a total package, huh? Her hubby's a lucky man. I wonder if he's a dirty bastard? Then, they'd be the perfect couple, huh?

Webmiztris said...

lol! yeah, my husband can definitely be a dirty bastard sometimes!

DirtyBitchSociety said...

Webmiztris, I know he's hot, that's for damn sure. You did all right for yourself G-Friend!